Friday, April 30, 2010

Recovering our Closeness to God

In the length of our Christian life, and for some reasons, we tend to be disconnected from God in several different situations. This happens that we are aware sometimes, yet most of the time we aren’t. For all we know, we are already falling down deep and totally lost. This is the sad picture that most of us, Christians, are into nowadays.

Yet, the Lord would never allow such things to happen. And as how He has been calling us out when we were still sinning, He has ways for us to recover the broken line of connection from Him. We are given the capability and it is our responsibility to do, through our sincerest desire and through the abundant guidance of the Holy Spirit.

First, we should always realize how easy it is to disconnect from God. There are so many things that could trigger it, even small ones that we may not pay attention to it until we totally eaten lost when we notice. We should be cautious when we are so satisfied with things around, when we are blessed and we tend not to need God’s help at all because we are blinded by contentment. Same way, our too much time spent to other things like work, friends, and even ministries. This too could open a door of disconnection from God.

Second, we should recognize the signs of being disconnected with God. This includes loss of love (Rev. 2:4), loss of faith (Heb. 11:6), and loss of hope (Ecc. 2:17).

Third, always ask God for help. Remember that we are battling not with flesh and blood but with powers of darkness and evil spiritual forces (Eph. 6:12). And God alone could make us equipped to finish the battle triumphantly.

Fourth, admit where you lost your power. There are certain things in life that weaken us and thus disconnect us from the Lord like distractions, disobedience, depending on your own, and carelessness.

Fifth, trust God to restore what you lost. It is only who gave you one could restore when you lost it. So to Him alone we should look up to and ask the restoration of strength and courage to continue.

Lastly, do what you can. Desires without actions are useless desires. We are given good capabilities to walk and battle. We are made powerful by the Lord, then, we must use it and strive the farthest we can.

Revelations 2:4-5 says, “Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lamp stand from its place.”

Like what the message states, only three important things we need to do always to be able to recover our connection to God: (1) remember the Lord; (2) return to the Lord and; (3) repeat.

Nothing else is even wonderful and fulfilling than to be fully connected to our God. We may disconnect from Him at times, but we may also recover fast… always!

Acknowledgment: Sermon by Rev. Eric Atienza, Jan. 10, 10, Jesus For All Ministries, KKFI Seminar Hall, Manila.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


In dictionary definition, obedience is an act of dutifully complying with the commands, orders or instructions of one in authority. After while and even in simple and regular ways of life, we encounter commandments and compliances. And there had developed excuses to not conform… until it became a detrimental attitude over the time.

From biblical attributes, there’s a lot of disobedience portrayed and it correspondingly illustrated it sad consequences. Genesis 3:23 demonstrated how Adam and Eve lost their fellowship with God and the wonderful life in Eden after they sinned. Esau, likewise lost his right as first born son because of failing. King Saul lost his kingly family lineage, his throne and God’s guidance and anointing as exemplified in Samuel 13. Samson after revealing to Delilah his secret lost his supernatural strength and his eyes in Judges 16:19-21.

These illustrations simply show that obedience to God is a big deal. It is not as simple as complying when you feel like it and not when you’re not in the mood. It is never an option but a spiritual obligation.

To discuss fully what we mean by obedience to God, let us look at the following Areas of Commitment to Obey:

Be OCCUPIED. With fruit bearing, gospel sharing and being faithful in serving Him, avoiding sin and letting our light shine.

Be BELIEVING. To gain God’s favor and to win the fight.

Be ENDURING. As we are commanded to endure like soldiers, endure the weariness of service, to endure the attack of Satan, and endure by relying on Jesus.

Be YIELDING. To yield is to give up possession of on claim or demand. And, it is a requirement to yield to Jesus.

To conclude, when we obey, we should be doing all the works entrusted to us with all the faith and endurance as we rely onto Jesus with confidence and assurance.

Think about: We are commanded to do good works. And we just have to continue over and over without looking at the discouragements. All best efforts are ours. All good results are Jesus’. Can you endure carrying your cross?

Acknowledgment: Sermon by Ptra. Cecil Mendoza, Oct. 26, 2009, Jesus For All Ministries, KKFI Seminar Hall, Manila.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Seek the Things Which are Above

As we enter another new year, many of us desires to be of better situation through making wrong things go right – or, resolution as what we all hear so famous in the air during such season. This is the very way most of us do in order to have improved life, more success-bound.

But how do we really improve our ways of life? Is writing down on a piece of paper a list of the things we want to change already enough? Will it assure a yearlong change? How do we really get and achieve a life so good enough, for a so good New Year start?

Well, the simple answer for it all is, seek the things which are above… look at Jesus and seek His will, and all His ways will be your right path.

A. Value the things that are above – this includes love, life, and eternal things that are worth valuing.
a. Love of God (Jn. 3:16)
b. Cost was the blood of the son of God (1 Pt. 1:18-19)
c. Payoff is eternal life (Rom. 6:23)

B. Visualize the things that are above – opening the “mind’s eyes” to see through.
a. Set mind on the things of the spirit
b. Hear the word of the spirit
c. Know the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23)
d. Think about the things of the spirit (Phil. 4:8)

C. Venture the things that are above – apply in actions what is godly, it shouldn’t stop in mind, it should be done.
a. Its got to be practiced
b. Not just readers but doers (Jam. 1:22)
c. Be wise not foolish (Matt. 7: 24-27)
d. Walk in the spirit (Gal. 5:25)
... Abstain from love of the world
... Lay up treasures in heaven (don’t expect rewards in this life)
... Love your neighbors
... Love your enemies
... Visit the sick, elderly, give to the orphans, and aid the impoverish

Surely, if we seek what God wants us do, and we listen, then we are doing the right things. When one is set to seek the things of God, and is all willing to be guided by the Holy Spirit, it is a reflective desire of having an improved life. Because with God, you will never go wrong! Blessed be!

Acknowledgment: Sermon by Rev. Eric Atienza, Jan. 03, 10, Jesus For All Ministries, KKFI Seminar Hall, Manila.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Love Re-defined

The Connect Group of JFA Youth commenced with a discussion about a short life to live and how it should be lived in order to spend it purposeful. One aspect that we looked at is to live the Life with Love.

Aligning the discussion to the scripture Ephesians 5:1,2 which says, Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God, we were able to understand that love in its context is never a tiny thing to deal but a wonderful surrender and submission.

Many easily can say the phrase “I Love You” and yet it just stops at being words. The full context of what they say is not understood and so not put into appropriate actions. In this sense, many can say love but not all can do it. Love is more than just a word.

In further discussion, we were able to determine the definitions of love that is true and proper. Love is a word so often used but a concept so hard to explain. The greatest regrets most people have in life have to do with their relationships. Living for what matters necessitates learning how to love in every sense of the word. God, who is Himself the author and source of love, demonstrated true love for us through His Son, Jesus Christ. (A Life Lived With Love, Victory).

Following are three ways God demonstrated His love for us and exemplified how we are to love others.

A. Love unconditionally. God did not look at our sins. Romans 5:8 demonstrated God’s absolute love for us that while we were sinners, Christ died for us. Moreover, it is only when we experience God’s love we will be able to truly love others.

B. Serve sacrificially. Serving at the expense of self and considering the needs of others over your own reflects a loving and selfless heart. John 15:13 says Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

C. Forgive completely. Forgiveness is a critical component of love. It is directly proportional to how much we understand God’s forgiveness in our lives. This is supported by the seventy-seven times forgiveness written in Matthew 18:22.

Generally, this lecture points only one truth. We have a so little time to live here on earth. And for us to live it with purpose, we should learn to live it with love to others just as how we are loved by God. Life is a matter of sharing the love we receive from Christ.
