Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Transforming Power of the Holy Spirit

Paul’s life as an apostle is an interesting story of transformation. We know of him as a great apostle who until death took faith in Jesus and pulled life through relying on the strength in Christ.

But St. Paul didn’t started the way we know him of. He was actually the Saul quoted in the Book of Acts to be one of the Pharisees who sent to death the people of God and destroyed all the churches because of unbelief. He was totally opposing Christ.

It was when he had a visionary encounter with Jesus that he was able to be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. The same reason why he was able to pen almost 75% of the New Testament and why he was able to live a life glorifying the Lord. These amazing works were not at all pushed through by his own effort. In fact, Romans 7:8 tells of how hard it was for Paul to do good things. But when he let himself be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, he was then made able of all these things.

The work of the Holy Spirit is not a one-time, quick and easy step. Not because we let Him transform us, we can then enjoy a life of holiness. Paul actually described the process as working out salvation in fear and trembling. This is why we still sin despite our desires not to. We struggle and we fight in a big battlefield.

Like Paul’s letter to Timothy, we are to fight a good fight of faith. When we let the Holy Spirit work in our lives, we were not assured that we can then be living a peaceful, worry-free and sin-free life because the Holy Spirit works in us. But we may always take hold of the promise that He who began the good work will carry it on to completion (Phil 1:6). Our part is faith. Faith that in any situations, we will believe that God is ever true to His words that he will complete the work he began in us.

In this battlefield, we are instructed to live for the glory of God (1Cor 10:31). But doing this all alone may just make wasted efforts. Flesh gives birth to flesh. And living to glorify God is not the work of flesh but the work of the Spirit that it then needs to born of Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit and His transforming power that begins the work of transformation. Along the way we may fail, but a good fight of faith would always assure us that this work will be completed by Him who started it in you.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Learning Anew

Truly, in our quest to be living for God’s glory, there are things that are still vague. Likewise, maybe it’s true to say that learning is a life-long process. We learn new things everyday.

The 2nd Book of Timothy somewhat works as explanatory devise to check on any long-time Christians of all truth behind the basic.
Since the start of my reading of this book, I was fascinated by several mistakes that I am still in that I am not aware. One instance is in his chapter of 2Timothy, where it was cited that taking a form of godliness but denying its power is actually a sin.

Sad to say, a lot of times, I have denied the power of God through inhibitions, fear and diffidence in declaring His glory through sharing His gospel. I am totally rebuked by this passage that tells of “denying the power of God”.

It is true that along the way, as we pursue good works and instructions of the Lord, God is always there with us that we always have the power to overcome anything. When we share the gospel, we are enabled by the power of the Holy Spirit and we should rely on that. Because everytime we do not do, we deny the power and therefore, we sin.
May it be a learning that God’s words is His own breath that enables us to teach, rebuke, correct and train into righteousness and so make us equipped with good works always. His word is our power, that in any weakness we encounter, His words and promises will be our strength. There may be persecutions, and that is expected in pursuing godly life in Christ Jesus. But take courage, He is with us always!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Encouragement to be Faithful

Life as servant of God is a never easy task. It is a life of tough toils. It is a big battlefield. It is never-resting. Everyday is to humble down despite rejections. Everyday is no compromise to what the majority is doing. Life is isolation.

God did not promise us of good and easy life when we accepted Him to Lord and Savior. In fact, the more we will battle with trials. And the more we will be tested. But through faith that works, Jesus ascended to heaven not living us to work on these tribulations alone. Along with the promise of Jesus has already overcome the world, He also enabled us to continue live in holiness through the power of the Holy Spirit. 2 Tim 1: 7 promises that God did not give us a power of timidity but of love, power and self-discipline. So to say, that we can live through all the never-easy life because we are made able. That through the Holy Spirit that empowers us, we can persevere and endure the world until we are united with the Lord.

There really is suffering for the gospel and shameful responses in testifying about the Lord, but if we will humble down until the end, we will know that God is all along carrying us in His arms of love to make us continue in His light.

Be faithful. Our God is more than faithful to make our lives blessed and worry-free and abundant thru His grace.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Unleash the Power

Many today are becoming exhausted every time facing struggles in life’s battlefield. They easily give up and take losses as they drop hopes down the ground. But looking at the whole picture, this happens because they battle all by themselves. They are like armies pushing mountains through their own might.

But then again, when Jesus ascended to heaven after he resurrected from death, He didn’t actually leave us alone and fight alone against all the forces of evil. Instead, He left us with the power of the Holy Spirit to enable us overcome the world. We are made victorious through His death and rise, thus defeat is not ours to worry about.

The reason why many would suffer difficulties and failures in life is their rejection of power endowed by Jesus Himself to make us victorious overall the earth. The Book of 2Timothy 1:7 promises that we are given power, love and self-discipline through the Holy Spirit.

God didn’t give us fearful spirit but power to be free of worries in life. When everyone around you is in world compromising, it is hard to work with the conviction. But the Holy Spirit enables us to battle against it to triumph. It is so hard to love people and care for their salvation. But with the Holy Spirit filling us with love, we are then made able to love not just our families and friends but we also develop to attend to others who are still in the world. Self-denial to magnify Christ Jesus is a hard thing to do. It is stepping on your self-desires and priority to uplift Jesus. But the Holy Spirit developed in us a heart of compassion to glorify Jesus in all that we do, hence, we can overcome the world and live for God.

True that every battle is hard to win. But we are not sent alone to fight alone and lose alone. We are gifted with the power of the Holy Spirit so that we do not lose heart and claim victory always in any situation in life.

The promise is made. The promise is true. The promise is yours to declare!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

CitiPointe Live Experience

September 11, 2010. CitiPointe Live, after the so long wait, hit Manila for their Commission My Soul Series in Asia. Around 9AM when they landed in the Philippines, the team has had a lot of wonderful experiences of blessings and some unwanted events, too, like bags being lost in the transfer (Aaron’s if I’m not mistaken) to mention one. But way far than this unpleasant incident, God amazingly filled the visit with His so-great love and anointing that was marvelously transpired as soon as the team started to fire-up the PhilSports stage.

Promising Seeds. I was in the venue early enough to still jam with the front act bands namely Quest and SideShow – two great bands rendering inspirational and spirit-uplifting songs of their own. I should say, both bands have a long way to go and through the spirit of God that strengthens them, they will be able to reach more souls and usher them to God’s dwelling place.

Crazy Crowd for Jesus. More remarkable that night was the sight of empty seats slowly filled with fervent audience as the stadium dims the light as a signal to commence the event. I don’t know if everyone’s aware, but that night was the very same night when Rain (popular Korean star) and colleagues had their concert in MOA Philippines. And even before the date, there are some blogs sharing disappointments that Rain’s might outshine the worship concert as more people opt to attend there. Nothing against Rain and other secular artists, but considering the views of the author of the blog, I felt the same sadness. But truly, God never fails in His promises when He showed me a lot of Jesus-hungry souls filled the venue, lifting praises to the King and Savior.

Anointed Worshippers led to Glorify! Excitement heightened when Becky, Aaron, Joel, Paul, Stu and Peter (there another guitarist, help me cite his name, sorry) of Citipointe Live Band stepped on stage to lead the crowd in worship. You just can tell how anointed and spirit-filled they were as they pass on to the people the manifestation of God’s spirit being glorified. It was a magnificent view to see the multitude jumped in praise and made the night a splendid experience of worship to the deserving Lord. With their great songs (glory to God!) like Devoted, Name of Jesus, Commission my Soul and You Reign to name a few, everyone floated in joy of worshipping the Abba. Through sounds of music, all prayed to devote each gift of life to extend the salvation and reach every part of the world to let Jesus be known to all. CitiPointe Live really glorifies the Lord in their initiative to become witnesses and perform through the Holy Spirit the Great Commission.

Experience Extended. I have not had the chance to meet and greet the band members after the concert as I had to leave early and prepare for another early morning fellowship with God the following day in our local church (our Sunday Worship Service), although I knew that it would take another year before the team goes back here in the Philippines. But again God is good that despite this, I never thought that through FB, I can have my own meet and greet with the team (not all of them though) - some petty chat with some of them… and some fun “kumustahan” with Peter, the team keyboard player. I commend Peter for all-patiently attending to my questions about them as band and not to mention the tagalong words review, “keyboard” talk, life experiences, and the upcoming wedding he prepares for (yes, all over the FB chat window), without me knowing that he has to be in bed for early flight the next day. Haha! It was a short talk but really fun and fulfilling, thinking that I had the chance (in our own little way) to extend the experience with the CitiPointe Live!

Lastly, I do not want to sound “idolizing” the team, but I want to tell that I’m really fond of most of their songs and can’t help it but keep them playing on my office playlist – songs which are prayer to me… and pushing me to move in faith more, seek God more and stand to follow Jesus more!

Looking forward to the next worship experience with the CitiPointe Live in their next Philippine tour! To God be all the glory!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Unleash the Power

Many today are becoming exhausted everytime facing struggles in life’s battlefield. They easily give up and take losses as they drop hopes down the ground. But looking at the whole picture, this happens because they battle all by themselves. They are like armies pushing mountains through their own might.

But then again, when Jesus ascended to heaven after He resurrected from the dead, He didn’t actually leave us alone to fight alone against all the forces of evil. Instead, He left us with the power of the Holy Spirit to enable us overcome the world. We are made victorious through His death and rise, thus, defeat is not ours to worry about.

The reason why many would suffer difficulties and failures in life is because of their rejection of power endowed by Jesus Himself to make us victorious overall the earth. The Book of 2Timothy 1:7 promises that we are given the power, love and self-discipline through the Holy Spirit.

God didn’t give us a fearful spirit but a power to be free of worries in all aspects life. When everyone around you is in world compromising, it is hard to work with the conviction. But the Holy Spirit enables us to battle against it to triumph. It is also true to love people and care for their salvation is so hard. But with the Holy Spirit filling us with love, we are then made able to love not just our families and friends but we also develop to attend to others who are still in the world. Self-denial to magnify Christ Jesus is a hard thing to do. It is stepping on your self-desires and priorities to uplift Jesus. But the Holy Spirit developed in us a heart of compassion to glorify Jesus in all that we do, hence, we can overcome the world and live for God.

True that every battle is hard to win. But we are not sent alone to fight alone and lose alone. We are gifted with the power of the Holy Spirit so that we do not lose heart and claim victory always in any situation in life.

The promise is made. The promise is true. The promise is yours to declare!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Nitty-gritty of Christian Life

Several memories of our elementary days make us smile every time we talk about it with friends. Many may have experienced loses, others recognition… but at the end of all stories, we boil down to compliment our foundation to our elementary schooling – from where we learned the basics of ABC’s and 123’s. For whatever defines of who we have become now, it all would trace back the foundation we have set before.

This thing is so true to spiritual life. No one could ever go further and let God move into his life if the foundation of faith is set weak.

The book of Hebrews, from where this discussion is based, is a letter written to the Jewish Christians who after being converted to true faith came to a point of reverting back to old beliefs because of the false teachers and prophets destructing their concrete belief to God and made them confused. Same scenario is apparent to Christians today who still let in the bond of traditions and old beliefs to crimp in their lives. And all this because, the basic they need to be equipped with is weak and easily destructed by small things.

Chapter 5: 1 of Hebrews spoke of believers who are slow to learn. This reflects those types who are apathetic and reluctant of learning and are contented to be just always fed and not be used. If anyone falls to this category, then even the best teacher cannot make him learn things out. This paints a picture of Christians who spends more time in prioritizing their personal concerns instead putting God’s teachings first. Most of these kinds of believers are tangled in the myths of spiritual growth: (1) myth of knowledge, who believes that since they know the word, they are already matured. But then again, growth in spirit doesn’t concern knowledge alone; (2) myth of association, who suppose that when you are with the spiritually matured people, you already are one of them where in fact, growth is never a package deal but individual decision; (3) myth of time, who reasons that the length of stay in being a Christian would assure maturity. But it is a wrong perspective because growth is a heart-issue and not a time-issue. All believers who are among these myths are then the Consumer Christians, who are satisfied to feed themselves and not be used to give in return.

Growth or maturity in spiritual life happens through willingness, with intention and purpose, incessantly to either new or long-staying Christians, to be acquainted with the Word and teachings of righteousness. Otherwise, this will lead to confusions, fears, worries and doubts.

Remember again, maturity is when a believer already learned to distinguish between good and evil. Like what Hebrews 6: 1A pronounces, “Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity.” Meaning, learning the elementary all over again is so not to stay in it but leave it and go on and grow up.

Look unto Jesus and set your foundation through him. For no one can lay any foundation other than one already laid, which is Jesus Christ (1Cor 3: 11).

Saturday, July 31, 2010

“Mile-wide and Inch-deep”

I was 3rd grader when I was introduced to a Christian Church that shares not a religion but a relationship with the Savior Christ Jesus. It was vague though for a so young mind to understand, yet little by little and over the time, I was able to see the clearer picture… until, I then could grasp the always-talked-about TRUTH.

Along doing things to deepen and ignite the faith seeded in, I learned the significance of which to motivate and to devote to so as to experience God moving in my life. Like said, when you seek, you shall find… and so as the Father to my desire to seek more of Him. He let me understood how it is to be in His dwelling place, floating in joy and peace. It seemed as if reaching for Him has not even been a task to toil on. Not to mention that several of the Christians that time were just either (1) ablazing in faith or (2) dead cold. No lukewarm and mediocre are in a noteworthy percentage then. In fact, to know who’s Christian and not was just so apparent that many could easily tell. Not certain though if it was about the clothing or attitudes or whatever. It doesn't really matter big.

Anyway, that was the last scene of the movie I remember before I took a turn. I had to be out of the church to pursue some priorities and opportunities I didn’t weigh good, I could tell, and had to be totally drowned into the worldly pleasure of recognition, contentment and sins. This is whole different story to tell but to make it short, I had to be out for a while to see what’s out and enjoyed it and when got tired and wounded, I went back in and tuned to the movie I was watching.

I went back to the church after 5 long years and tried to reconcile with God and renewed my acceptance of salvation. And as I stay on, I was a little puzzled of where did the story go and it seemed several things happened and new sets and twists associated along. Too many to mention… but what painted most in my mind is the vast increase in number of Christians from all walks of life. And praise be to God that He allowed and helped the gospel through in many people. Even friends I know, who I met again with, were already involved and even leading groups for same purposes in other different churches. But to my surprise, they that lead the small groups for Jesus are the same people who sing seculars in loud, and drink liquors and smoke and should I say, are WORLDLY.

Not being a conservative, perfect and sinless Christian because I am actually not and I am an "open-to-every-possibility" type of a believer, but the remarkable transformation of what I know and what I experienced just startled me to deep. Was I left behind of new trends in Christianity or was I just being an unintelligible critic that rides pessimism?

In my pursuit, it takes several researches to be read and several more studies concerning both sociology and God’s words to be looked on and deeper, more stable prayer life to build before I understood what’s going on. And the fact is, there really was a twist in the story so abrupt that the story became so vague and led to the total loss of the original storyboard. Now, a "mediocre" is introduced big and the "lukewarm, religious Christianity" is just everywhere.

Just recently, I was forwarded by dear sister in Christ with a link to a blog-study entitled Theo-tainment vs. Discipleship ( As I went on, the indistinct reality I am looking at all this time suddenly became clearer to me – it is true that Christianity grew mile wide yet just an inch deep. Church has become a place of professing faith in Jesus Christ yet not actually following Jesus. Yes. It became just an empty place where people would fellowship but without nurturance and spiritual maturity pursuance. Sad fact.

True to words, "mile wide and inch deep" Christianity is very evident in today's world. With its growing popularity, more in RELIGIOUS aspect and not in a RELATIONAL facet, makes it more difficult for many, especially new Christians, to really know what and how it is to have a true relationship with Jesus Christ through faith that works. In fact, in a youth group of 10 once asked "Whose Christian here?” about 7 or 8 might raise an excited hand up. But once further solicited with "How they say so?” mostly will just say "Because they attend the church," and nothing else.

In simple terms, many are Christians in "TAG" but "REAL" ones are becoming rare.

However though, this is not an issue of who's in or out of REAL and RELATIONAL Christianity. This is rather an issue of calling unto God to help us correct whatever is wrong that may soon become a TRADITION that could already be hardly altered due to practice and thought that all these are the right thing to pursue. And of course, those who understand, then, have to do ways to really fulfill the Great Commission.

This shook me to my feet. I might be just one of those who help in mile-widening the Christianity and ignore the depth to truth. Search heart and God opens the door to the truth when we knock. Seek more of Him and grow wide and deep!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Living a Positive Christian Life

In the concluding exhortations in the Book of Hebrews, Paul did tell of things a Christian should be doing and should possess as to live a life for the glory of God above. It basically composes three parts of instruction and each has supporting elaborations.


A. Express brotherly love. Paul assumes that there is a brotherly love amongst Christians and he called for it to continue.
.....a. Entertain strangers. Hospitality is an important virtue that a Christian should possess. A wonderful way to fulfill this command is to meet and befriend strangers at church, and to entertain them with hospitality.
.....b. Remember the prisoners. Look unto the people who are still blinded by the world for they too have to know the gift of salvation through the gospel of God.
B. Honor marital love. God is the judge of all men and fornicators and adulterers are enemies of Him.
.....a. Marriage. Through this commitment the Bible celebrates the sexual love.
C. Contentment. Paul further took special attention to contentment over covetousness.
.....a. Be content of what you have. Covetousness is the opposite of contentment. Often though, covetousness and greed are excused or even admired in today’s culture, and are simply called “ambition
.....b. “The Lord is my helper.” Real contentment comes only when we trust in God to meet our needs and to be our security. It is amazing that we are often more likely to put security and find contentment in things far less reliable and secure than God Himself.
D. Follow Leaders. We are told to recognize and follow godly leadership in the body of Christ, leadership that is shown to be legitimate by faithfulness to the word of God and by godly conduct


A. The enduring principle. Jesus is the same and this unchanging nature of Him could be inferred from His deity, even if it were not explicitly stated. God doesn’t change over the ages, so neither does Jesus, who is God
B. Following the rejected Jesus. The difficult job of bearing His reproach is easier when we remember that the city or society we are cast out of is only temporary. We seek, and belong to, the permanent city yet to come.
C. Our sacrifice.
.....a. Offer a sacrifice of praise as fruit of our lips
.....b. Do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.
D. Obey your Leaders. Cooperative conduct is not only a joy to leaders, but it is profitable for the whole body


A. Request for prayer. The writer to the Hebrews considered it important that others pray for him. We all need and should welcome the prayers of others
B. Pronouncement of blessing. This is a blessing in the style of the priestly blessing of Numbers
C. Grace for all. This is a fitting end for a book that documents the passing of the Old Covenant and the institution of the New Covenant: Grace be with you all indeed, under what God has given through the superior Savior, Jesus Christ! Amen!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Old and New Covenant

The first parts of the Book of Hebrews focused on the discussion of the Old Testament agreement with God and the revised covenant through Christ Jesus. Chapter 8 clearly defines the amendment of the covenant of God that is it’s ineffectiveness and weakness and uselessness that many still went unfaithful to Him. Now He made another so that all may know that He is the God and this will be spread throughout the nations.

The term covenant refers to a binding agreement. In Hebrew this translates to “to cut”. This is the reason why during the Old Testament animals were being killed and sometimes cut into two shedding their blood in preparation of and showing agreement with making the covenant. This is very true in many of the stories in Old Testament like in Exodus where people has to offer sacrifices and the High Priest has to offer this inside the Most Holy for his sin and the people. The covenant during that time was when God put the Israelites out of Egypt and helped them through. But many falls short and immediately forgot their pledge to God so God has to be doing new ways and new covenant.

This was when God made the covenant in the minds and hearts of His people and whoever abides and accepts and perseveres would be forgiven of sins and inherits the promised salvation. God sent forth His only Son not as human to sacrifice for sins once and for all when He has to offer himself as atonement for the sin of all the earth.

It all along happened with an oath to make Jesus a priest forever that guaranteed us of better covenant because He lives forever. This makes Him save anyone completely because whoever comes to God through Him He always lives to intercede for them. Such a high priest meets our need—one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens. The oath, which came after the law, appointed the Son, who has been made perfect forever.

Old agreement was made less intricate when Jesus has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself. Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.

Holy is the Lamb!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

True Worship

Worship is defined as the reverent devotion and allegiance pledged to God. It comes from the Old English word “worthship,” which denotes the worthiness of the one receiving the special honor or devotion.

Developing a habit of worship is so much more than just singing. Worship is living in a way that brings glory to God. It is our response to all that God is and does.

John 4: 23 – 24 says, “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.”

God seeks true worshipers. And how could we be true worshippers?

A. Worship in Heart - True worship is not giving God lip service. It is an issue of our hearts being completely devoted to God.
1. Worship takes place in the heart
2. Not orchestrated by man or instrument

B. Worship in Spirit – True worship is to offer you body as living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. Romans 12::1 talks of this as spiritual act of worship.
1. With understanding. To worship with understanding, we must be able to comprehend what is said and done. We must appreciate the significance of each act of worship and think about what we are doing as we worship
2. Orderly. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 14:33, "God is not the author of confusion..." and later in the same chapter, "Let all things be done decently and in order" (1 Corinthians 14:40). We should have an expedient order to our worship services, so that all may know what to expect and do at the appropriate times.
3. Reverent. Our manner of worship should reflect our respect for God and other worshippers. We are gathered to worship and praise Almighty God; therefore, we should act, speak and dress in the very best way of which we are capable. We should bring the best before God and show the highest degree of respect for Him.
4. Sincere. It should spring from a holy life. We should look forward to the moment when we can assemble with the saints and worship God. Also, our worship is not done to be seen of men, but is offered to please God. Further, our worship should reflect a life of holiness. One cannot continue to live a sinful life and at the same time offer holy worship to God.
5. Edifying. Our worship should be edifying to one another as we assemble to provoke one another unto love and good works. Any act of worship which is not directed to God is misdirected and is not in spirit.

C. Worship in Truth - To worship in truth is to worship based on God’s Word. The Bible is the final authority on who God is, and how we are to approach Him.
1. Teaching and preaching the Word
2. Giving
3. Partaking the Lord’s Supper
4. Prayer
5. Singing

God will accept only one kind of worship: true worship!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Through Good Times and Bad

The Book of Ruth is a very short story that you could finish the whole book in one sitting. Other aspect that could make you read this to end is its interesting plot of all drama and a happy ending. In fact, it could be compared to a fairytale many kids enjoy reading.

Above this truth is the goodness of the Lord being portrayed in the story. We can see that along the stream of the narrative, Ruth’s kindness to her mother-in-law was apparent. She never leave Naomi to lonesome but stayed with her all throughout, helping her in living and obeying her every requests.

God’s eyes are not blind to this kind-heartedness. He rewards every righteousness that a man does. And so He did with Ruth.

After the death of first husband, to being a servant out the field and all, she had a happy ending marrying Boaz, and then gave to a son lining up the genealogy of David, the forebears of Jesus.

In the bible, blessed women are being lined-up in the genealogy of the Savior. And it is like God’s own way of giving them honor for the good works they have done.

Friday, June 18, 2010

In the Battlefield

Joshua 15 - 16. This part of the Book of Joshua is likely the start of the realization of the promised land of God. After all the battle and tests and learning the Israelites has gone through, God is just so faithful enough to deliver them from enemy and so conquer the lands promised to them.

We can note that the journey of Israelites has passed many trials, sins and rebukes. The faithful remains and the obedient achieves victory. Sinners are put to death and the followers continue the quest.

Similar to this picture is the life of a Christian. We are like placed in a battlefield. God let it happen just for us to realize that even before we are sent to arena, we are already victorious. Remember again, in Book of Mark, Jesus said that in this world we will face trouble, but we just have to take courage because He already overcome the world.

Generally, in a battlefield in our everyday life, we may find strength to combat and at times though, we go weak and like giving up. What can keep us going on? The faith that God, like what He did to the Israelites, will never leave and forsake us. We just have to keep Him in our hearts and in Him we will always fin strength and victory to overcome the battle. Our God is our assurance of victory here on earth.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Sin of Achan

Achan is another distinguished character in the Book of Joshua who actually caused Israel’s defeat against men of Ai.

The incident happened right after the great victory of the people of God against Jericho. Through faith and God’s guidance, they were able to make Jericho’s wall fall to defeat. Alongside this event, God instructed them not to get anything from the possession of Jericho and its people but to burn all and put into God’s treasury all the wealth there in.

Not anyone knew, one of the people of the tribe became unfaithful and disregarded God’s explicit law. It was Achan, son of Carmi of the tribe of Judah. He took hold and coveted a robe, 200 shekels of silver and a wedge of gold in plunder and kept it in the ground inside his tent.

Despite keeping the sin from people around him, God is omniscient. He just knows everything and nothing can be kept from Him. So God let the defeat happen so Israel may know that they have sinned and violated God’s covenant.

Notice also that upon knowing who has sinned and caused Israel’s defeat, Joshua was instructed to put Achan to death who reasoned the destruction of the tribe.

Many may say that God was not forgiving for having it done to Achan. But scholars explicated that God may have given enough time to Achan to realize his mistake and then repent while there was still opportunity to do the corrections. But the most important lesson here is that disciplinary action is imperative to every committed sin.

God is ever-faithful and he deserves faithfulness in return. And whatever is a desecration to His will is punishable in His sight.

No sin is good in the eyes of God. And whether we do it voluntarily or not, big or small, seen or hidden, it doesn’t please Him. In every instance we should immediately correct it and repent and ask His forgiveness. God is merciful and good, He knows how to forgive the sincerest heart. However, those who lives in sin is death-bound.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Rahab - A Woman of Faith

Support Scriptures: Heb 11: 1 and 13

In the second chapter of the Book of Joshua entailed a story of a harlot or a prostitute named Rahab of which God had mercy on to that she was given deliverance and transformation.

Though the term “harlot” could also be translated as “innkeeper”, it was discussed in Nelson’s Bible Dictionary that they also were considered as second class prostitutes who own bars or inns and had sexual relations with the patrons who desired their services. Rahab of Jericho was considered as one. Thus, she was then a woman of sin, a picture of abomination in front of the living God.

But the goodness of the Lord is awesome and His mercy never comes to an end. He never even looked at Rahab’s (means pride and indicative of worldliness) sins but He looked and searched the heart. Remember that in the story of Joshua 2, she was the one who received the spies sent by Joshua and kept them from the eyes of the king’s men. She made so because of her true faith, a faith that works that then led her to her freedom and salvation.

Rahab’s faith came from hearsays out of the mouth of her patrons who came in and out of her inn. God moved amazingly in her life as many did not actually believe and gained faith but believe and gained fright. Notice that all men in Jericho were afraid and terror fallen upon them that they became defensive of threats of captivating their lands. But as for Rahab, she declared upon her knowledge of these miracles the might of the God of Israel.

A scarlet by which the spies were saved and then tied in Rahab’s window was a token of a good faith. It made a picture of God’s covenant to the faithful, that is – the trusting and believing will be saved.

Moreover, a good faith is richly rewarded. In the account of Rahab, at least these four are the ways:
1. New God – her faith gave her peace of mind and gave her all the advantages of a covenant relationship with God.
2. New Husband – Salmon the princely line in Judah, the royal tribe of Israel, became her husband.
3. An Illustrious Family – the family of Salmon and Ruth became the royal family of Israel. Rahab’s faith is included in the genealogy of the Messiah.
4. Longevity – recorded account of the woman of faith was her long life (490 years)

Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see, Hebrews 11:1. And overall, faith is rewarded and the faithful is embraced by God.

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Good Undone: A Reflection

God is the source of all good and everything that is good. His generosity has stamped in us all the things that we enjoy... things that we get all along in this life equipping us with fulfilment.

Having to consider this, we know that the good God wants us to do good as well. And He started this by letting us know which is righteous and which is not. In many biblical stories and life tales, God’s anger against the doers of sin is very transparent. We could then conclude that He resents sins and unrighteousness.

This very reason makes many believers do the desires of God, which is to follow His will all the time and always. But there is a thing that we have to be aware of... thing very important yet many of us ignore about.

Doing the “good” never stops at “not doing the wrong things”. Bear in mind that as it is written in the Book of James 4:17, when we know what is good and yet we do not do it, we sin.

In my life as a servant of God, I always know that what pleases God is when I spread to all people His goodness and His gospel and His salvation. For so long years I know this basic responsibility being a true servant of God. And yet at several times, I opt to go silent about this.

I am afraid that I might compromise whenever I join my unbeliever friends. Never did I think that it always is a good opportunity for me to do the work of God. I usually tend to be separating myself from them and then isolate myself in silence just so I cannot slip in sin.

Now, what do I call this? Selfishness.

I keep myself not to sin while I let others continue in sin. I detach myself from doers of sin because I do not want to sin while I do not tell them that they are sinning. Well in this case, I sin.
1. Selfishness is a sin
2. Not doing what is good is a sin

This verse in the Book of James reminds me that keeping in silence would spare me from sinning. In fact, doing more so, the more I sin. Whenever God’s servants don’t do their purposes and responsibilities, they sin.

Let it be an awakening. We are gifted with the knowledge about God, knowledge about His salvation and the knowledge about His truth. Let this not be kept in and not shared. Remember God didn’t keep it from us. He widely opened our eyes with this truth. Now it is our time to let God open others’ hearts to this.

And again, when we know which is good and we do not do it, we sin!

A Call to Persevere

The Book of Jude in its first parts discusses the sin and doom of ungodly men. In précis, it tells that God is able to destroy sins and sinners.

This is further conferred that during the last days, there will be scoffers who will tempt people of sins to lose the spirit of holiness. They are the sensual men according to bible scholars who separate from Christ, and his church, and join themselves to the devil, the world, and the flesh, by ungodly and sinful practices and does not have the spirit of holiness, which whoever has not, does not belong to Christ.

But even 2000 years ago, people of God has been called to endure and to stand in faith. And so we must live by faith and pray to the Holy Spirit.

For the grace of faith is most holy, as it works by love, purifies the heart, and overcomes the world, by which it is distinguished from a false and dead faith and our prayers are most likely to prevail, when we pray in the Holy Ghost, under his guidance and influence, according to the rule of his word, with faith, fervency, and earnestness; this is praying in the Holy Ghost.

As we do, take responsibility to those in doubt. We must watch over one another; faithfully, yet prudently reprove each other, and set a good example to all about us. This must be done with compassion, making a difference between the weak and the wilful. Some we must treat with tenderness.

All things are made by our God who is all-able whose mercy has granted us the Saviour’s sufferings to purchase us and deliver.

Jesus overcome the world and so we must take heart that we can do also. In prayers and undying faith, we can always battle in the world for good. And God is willing to be of guidance to His servants... always!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Love You, Too!

During last week’s discussion, we learned that God has an unreasonable, tough and unconditional love for all of us. And yes, lucky are we that no matter what, that great love remains and will forever be there.

On the other hand, a love unrequited is our concern today. Have we ever assessed our response to God’s Love? Did we ever take time to see if we do things to reciprocate that great love He has for us? Have we ever returned “I Love You” back to Him? Have we been fair? Or we just always ignore and take things for granted?

I know that we all want to respond to the great love of the Lord. And for us to do so, here’s the things we can do:

SCRITURE BASIS: Deuteronomy 10:12-13

A. Fear Him – Our fear of the Lord is the start of our knowledge and relationship to Him. This is when we stand in awe of His power and majesty.
1. Sinners’ Fear – they run away from God
2. Saints’ Fear – they trust the Lord more

B. Walk in His Way – To walk in His way is to live like how Jesus lived. This is to imitate Him, not some of his ways but all of His ways.

C. Love Him with All Your Being – Loving God is the ultimate thing behind every Christian does. In this sense, it tells us that we have to love what God loves and to love Him unconditionally.

D. Serve Him – It is a requirement to all Christians. There is no exception. This means to serve Him wherever He puts us and laying in all our talents, time and treasures to advance His kingdom here on earth.

E. Obey Him – Out of love we obey. And obeying Him is our proof of love for Him.

There is no hard way in giving back the love our God deserves. In the first place, he has already done a thing no other can, when he did it the time we were still sinners. And these things that we can do for Him are the least we can. Remember that we can never reciprocate equally the great love our God has for us. But he didn’t ever require us to do so. We just have to do simple and small things, and the Lord is more than pleased. Blessed be!

Acknowledgment: Sermon by Ptra. Cecil Mendoza, Jan. 31, 10, Jesus For All Ministries, KKFI Seminar Hall, Manila.

Monday, May 17, 2010

GOD's Love

The Book of Hosea tackles about a man whom God allowed to suffer pain by having a woman named Gomer who is adulterous and prostitute. The Lord however did not make this happen so as to make Hosea bear hurt but rather to create a picture of how the Lord demonstrates an unreasonable, tough and unconditional love.

1. Unreasonable Love (Hosea 1: 2-3) – God’s love doesn’t make sense and has no logic. Even the sinners, he loves. He gives it to whoever person of whatever situation he may be. God doesn’t set any requirements for someone to receive His great love. He just loves us with no reason at all.
This is paralleled to Hosea’s love for Gomer. His wife didn’t have to be a good one before he offered his love. Despite Gomer’s promiscuous way of living, she still receives the love that only Hosea can give her.

2. Tough Love (Hosea 2: 19-20) – God’s love is ceaseless and resilient. It withstands great strains without tearing. He lets one go away if it is desired. But, He has his own way to bring his child back home:
a. withhold happiness
b. withhold blessings
c. remove hypocrisy
d. remind one of His Love
e. renew covenant
God would never allow one to step out of His grip and not doing anything to make him return. Hosea, likewise, let his wife go her way. Until it came a point when she was about to be sold as slave, it was only Hosea who saved him out of love.

3. Unconditional Love (Hosea 3:1-3) – Hosea was the one who raised the highest bid to buy Gomer as slave, but, Hosea didn’t look at what Gomer had done to him. He still welcomed her home not as slave but as wife. This is how the Lord look at us, He considers no sin, rather, he looks at how sincere we are asking for forgiveness and He offers a wide open arms to welcome us back. God knows no person and situation. He just loves unconditionally.

God loves like no one in this world can. He demonstrated it through sending his one and only son as atonement for our sins. He alone loves with no reason, and tough and unconditional. This is why God is love… that we only can understand true love if we know how to love like God can.

Acknowledgment: Sermon by Ptra. Cecil Mendoza, Jan. 24, 10, Jesus For All Ministries, KKFI Seminar Hall, Manila.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Seven-Love a Mother Deserves

The most heartfelt scene during the death of Christ in the cross of Calvary was when Mary had to come before Jesus’ feet and kissed it. No one could ever imagine how it could’ve felt… the pain that you cannot do anything about.

This simply pictures our mothers of any generation. They are incomparable heroes in their own way. They have things that no one else can do. They have responsibilities no one would wilfully accept. They have routines only them can know how to do efficiently.

Having it all said, there is love that they deserve. Not an ordinary love but love given and shown in 7 Ways:

A. Verbal – a simple assurance of love through words could make her works go easier. Nothing is sweeter than a regular verbal declaration of love for her. Not the flowers, chocolates even money could replace it.

B. Physical – more important than words are gestures to showcase the assurance. As said, action is better than words. Our moms deserve a return of hug, kiss and touch as it can fade away every tiring chores she does everyday. Not to mention that she was the first to do it to us when we were still incapable of ourselves.

C. Patient - . Because she’s tender to your needs is no reason to take advantage of her, it is reason to be patient and to love her all the more!

D. Attentive – Just as how our moms listen to us in full attention everytime we need to talk to her, we have to pay an attentive love to them in return. Not because they are mothers they don’t face worries and issues. At times, they need a rock to take time to listen to them.

E. Grateful – For all that they have done since you were a kid, they just deserve a sincere thank you not just on Mother’s Day but everyday and time it is least expected, from a genuinely grateful heart.

F. Generous – As the cliché goes, the last food she has she is still to feed to her child. Our moms are the most generous giver we can ever encounter. They are the people who never spend time for what they want and give up her opportunities to give the family more opportunities.

G. Honorable – Mothers are the heart of homes, so never break their hearts. In the first place, God took special mention of our parents in the 10 Commandments - a commandment of which has a built in promise of blessing. Exodus 20:12 says, honor your father and mother that your days maybe long upon the land the Lord your God gave you.
Great is our God that He gave us mothers who is more than an ordinary human who could do all things for us, endure all pains for us and risk all things for us. And as to glorify the Lord, who endowed us such a great gift, let us all love our mothers as they deserve.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Lazarus (Death and Rise)

In the 11th chapter of the Book of John written the shortest verse I have ever encountered in my reading of the bible so far. This may sound to be a good trivia I may tell everyone, yet behind this is a bigger story of compassion, power and faith.

My blog is not about the shortest verse in the bible or the longest or any other trivia I discovered. There is more important thing I prefer to discuss here than to look and explore on petty details. But then again, why don’t we start this discussion with that trivia I’ve been talking about: “Jesus wept.” John 11:35.

The small verse captured my deepest thinking, even the Lord wept. This is a wonderful picture of His care to His people’s sorrow. Yes, Jesus is ever compassionate. The weeping of Jesus in here is due to the death of someone close to His heart Lazarus, and to the mourning of the sisters Martha and Mary after the incident. Though Jesus knew that Lazarus would rise again from the dead, He still expressly shown His care through outward emotion. He is so compassionate and knows to share with our sorrow.

From compassion, let me bring this discussion to something even bigger: out of compassion Jesus revealed His power over death. Seeing how people lament the death of Lazarus, He went to the grave and miraculously let the latter live again. Our Lord conquered even the death. And as He has promised, in Him no one will ever die (John 11: 25). In him there’ll be no hunger and thirst as He is the Bread of Life (John 6:35).

Bringing back to the previous scene, Jesus delayed two more days before He went to Bethany. He already knew that Lazarus has to die and so purposefully, He could be able to perform wonders and so many may believe and bring glory to him. In this third point, what the story points out is the attitude to wait and be still. Know God and even in delay, trust. The Lord is just molding something so great that He lets trials go along the way.

The Book of John, similar to that of Mark, is another story of miracles and faith that Jesus demonstrated during the time He was in here. Again, in my quest to know more of Jesus, this book had been an excellent sustenance that fills my longing to seek His face. Little by little, it is becoming clear. Truly, reading God’s Words bridges real and strong relationship with Him. The more one can decipher how great the love of the Lord is to the world.

Enjoy the word! Enjoy His love! Enjoy longing for His presence…

Friday, April 30, 2010

Recovering our Closeness to God

In the length of our Christian life, and for some reasons, we tend to be disconnected from God in several different situations. This happens that we are aware sometimes, yet most of the time we aren’t. For all we know, we are already falling down deep and totally lost. This is the sad picture that most of us, Christians, are into nowadays.

Yet, the Lord would never allow such things to happen. And as how He has been calling us out when we were still sinning, He has ways for us to recover the broken line of connection from Him. We are given the capability and it is our responsibility to do, through our sincerest desire and through the abundant guidance of the Holy Spirit.

First, we should always realize how easy it is to disconnect from God. There are so many things that could trigger it, even small ones that we may not pay attention to it until we totally eaten lost when we notice. We should be cautious when we are so satisfied with things around, when we are blessed and we tend not to need God’s help at all because we are blinded by contentment. Same way, our too much time spent to other things like work, friends, and even ministries. This too could open a door of disconnection from God.

Second, we should recognize the signs of being disconnected with God. This includes loss of love (Rev. 2:4), loss of faith (Heb. 11:6), and loss of hope (Ecc. 2:17).

Third, always ask God for help. Remember that we are battling not with flesh and blood but with powers of darkness and evil spiritual forces (Eph. 6:12). And God alone could make us equipped to finish the battle triumphantly.

Fourth, admit where you lost your power. There are certain things in life that weaken us and thus disconnect us from the Lord like distractions, disobedience, depending on your own, and carelessness.

Fifth, trust God to restore what you lost. It is only who gave you one could restore when you lost it. So to Him alone we should look up to and ask the restoration of strength and courage to continue.

Lastly, do what you can. Desires without actions are useless desires. We are given good capabilities to walk and battle. We are made powerful by the Lord, then, we must use it and strive the farthest we can.

Revelations 2:4-5 says, “Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lamp stand from its place.”

Like what the message states, only three important things we need to do always to be able to recover our connection to God: (1) remember the Lord; (2) return to the Lord and; (3) repeat.

Nothing else is even wonderful and fulfilling than to be fully connected to our God. We may disconnect from Him at times, but we may also recover fast… always!

Acknowledgment: Sermon by Rev. Eric Atienza, Jan. 10, 10, Jesus For All Ministries, KKFI Seminar Hall, Manila.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


In dictionary definition, obedience is an act of dutifully complying with the commands, orders or instructions of one in authority. After while and even in simple and regular ways of life, we encounter commandments and compliances. And there had developed excuses to not conform… until it became a detrimental attitude over the time.

From biblical attributes, there’s a lot of disobedience portrayed and it correspondingly illustrated it sad consequences. Genesis 3:23 demonstrated how Adam and Eve lost their fellowship with God and the wonderful life in Eden after they sinned. Esau, likewise lost his right as first born son because of failing. King Saul lost his kingly family lineage, his throne and God’s guidance and anointing as exemplified in Samuel 13. Samson after revealing to Delilah his secret lost his supernatural strength and his eyes in Judges 16:19-21.

These illustrations simply show that obedience to God is a big deal. It is not as simple as complying when you feel like it and not when you’re not in the mood. It is never an option but a spiritual obligation.

To discuss fully what we mean by obedience to God, let us look at the following Areas of Commitment to Obey:

Be OCCUPIED. With fruit bearing, gospel sharing and being faithful in serving Him, avoiding sin and letting our light shine.

Be BELIEVING. To gain God’s favor and to win the fight.

Be ENDURING. As we are commanded to endure like soldiers, endure the weariness of service, to endure the attack of Satan, and endure by relying on Jesus.

Be YIELDING. To yield is to give up possession of on claim or demand. And, it is a requirement to yield to Jesus.

To conclude, when we obey, we should be doing all the works entrusted to us with all the faith and endurance as we rely onto Jesus with confidence and assurance.

Think about: We are commanded to do good works. And we just have to continue over and over without looking at the discouragements. All best efforts are ours. All good results are Jesus’. Can you endure carrying your cross?

Acknowledgment: Sermon by Ptra. Cecil Mendoza, Oct. 26, 2009, Jesus For All Ministries, KKFI Seminar Hall, Manila.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Seek the Things Which are Above

As we enter another new year, many of us desires to be of better situation through making wrong things go right – or, resolution as what we all hear so famous in the air during such season. This is the very way most of us do in order to have improved life, more success-bound.

But how do we really improve our ways of life? Is writing down on a piece of paper a list of the things we want to change already enough? Will it assure a yearlong change? How do we really get and achieve a life so good enough, for a so good New Year start?

Well, the simple answer for it all is, seek the things which are above… look at Jesus and seek His will, and all His ways will be your right path.

A. Value the things that are above – this includes love, life, and eternal things that are worth valuing.
a. Love of God (Jn. 3:16)
b. Cost was the blood of the son of God (1 Pt. 1:18-19)
c. Payoff is eternal life (Rom. 6:23)

B. Visualize the things that are above – opening the “mind’s eyes” to see through.
a. Set mind on the things of the spirit
b. Hear the word of the spirit
c. Know the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23)
d. Think about the things of the spirit (Phil. 4:8)

C. Venture the things that are above – apply in actions what is godly, it shouldn’t stop in mind, it should be done.
a. Its got to be practiced
b. Not just readers but doers (Jam. 1:22)
c. Be wise not foolish (Matt. 7: 24-27)
d. Walk in the spirit (Gal. 5:25)
... Abstain from love of the world
... Lay up treasures in heaven (don’t expect rewards in this life)
... Love your neighbors
... Love your enemies
... Visit the sick, elderly, give to the orphans, and aid the impoverish

Surely, if we seek what God wants us do, and we listen, then we are doing the right things. When one is set to seek the things of God, and is all willing to be guided by the Holy Spirit, it is a reflective desire of having an improved life. Because with God, you will never go wrong! Blessed be!

Acknowledgment: Sermon by Rev. Eric Atienza, Jan. 03, 10, Jesus For All Ministries, KKFI Seminar Hall, Manila.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Love Re-defined

The Connect Group of JFA Youth commenced with a discussion about a short life to live and how it should be lived in order to spend it purposeful. One aspect that we looked at is to live the Life with Love.

Aligning the discussion to the scripture Ephesians 5:1,2 which says, Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God, we were able to understand that love in its context is never a tiny thing to deal but a wonderful surrender and submission.

Many easily can say the phrase “I Love You” and yet it just stops at being words. The full context of what they say is not understood and so not put into appropriate actions. In this sense, many can say love but not all can do it. Love is more than just a word.

In further discussion, we were able to determine the definitions of love that is true and proper. Love is a word so often used but a concept so hard to explain. The greatest regrets most people have in life have to do with their relationships. Living for what matters necessitates learning how to love in every sense of the word. God, who is Himself the author and source of love, demonstrated true love for us through His Son, Jesus Christ. (A Life Lived With Love, Victory).

Following are three ways God demonstrated His love for us and exemplified how we are to love others.

A. Love unconditionally. God did not look at our sins. Romans 5:8 demonstrated God’s absolute love for us that while we were sinners, Christ died for us. Moreover, it is only when we experience God’s love we will be able to truly love others.

B. Serve sacrificially. Serving at the expense of self and considering the needs of others over your own reflects a loving and selfless heart. John 15:13 says Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

C. Forgive completely. Forgiveness is a critical component of love. It is directly proportional to how much we understand God’s forgiveness in our lives. This is supported by the seventy-seven times forgiveness written in Matthew 18:22.

Generally, this lecture points only one truth. We have a so little time to live here on earth. And for us to live it with purpose, we should learn to live it with love to others just as how we are loved by God. Life is a matter of sharing the love we receive from Christ.


Monday, March 22, 2010

Understanding Ministries and Servanthood

After exchanges of emails to some dear brethren who are in ministry abroad, I had this excellent realization that made me understand my purpose, my ministry, and myself… and why discouragements are a part of it.

This is the situation I am facing as of the moment: Puzzled on how far should I go with my ministry and how far am I letting God take me.

I don't really know what's destructing and misleading specifically when it comes to doing service for Jesus. But personally, I do get discouragements… little and big… from time to time… once in a while. But then, God makes me realize time and again the following points:

(1) Where I am now is a training ground. And training grounds are battlegrounds. All that Satan will project are things of discouragements… all discouragements so as to cover God's wonderful movements. Making it a blindfold to make cover our eyes from the truth that God does move… and to make me tired, and fall and give up. Would I allow Satan defeat me?

(2) Don't look eye-level. Look up to see God. Upon realizing the first point, we should then make it a point that we don’t look at what others do. It will just open our eyes to how they perform… and will in turn, open your judgment of how big you contribute compared to what they do. God doesn't want this thing for us. He wants us look higher so we can see His glory. Don’t measure your works inside the ministry. Don’t look at the people and the situation. Look to God instead! I got shaken by the thought that, tying all that I have done altogether, it is all nothing compared to Jesus' sacrifices for the salvation of the world. Now, why count responsibilities?

(3) In doing ministries, it is not us who are working but God. So again, why complain? It is so immature to think that it is us who do the ministry. God is just making use of us as an instrument of His blessing and it is all Him who does the works for us.

These things I just realized recently. After I had this exchange of emails with Kuya Mike and Kuya Aldrin over the passed few days. I easily complain. I easily doubt. How will then God entrust bigger ministries?

All these in mind, I am so very thankful. He makes me learn not just the fundamentals but even the "out of the box" attitude I need to learn being His servant. Again, I am really privileged to have been given this training ground. I am learning a lot. And when God sees that I am already becoming so puzzled about things and nearly becoming discouraged, He just know how to bring me back on track. And praise Him for His glorious ways. All thanks to Him.

Think about: God makes us see that there is a bigger thing He can do through us. And understand that all efforts won't be wasted because it will be Him who will bless and prosper it. 1Cor. 15:58 says, that all labor of the Lord is not in vain. So just spread wings and find the joy of serving Him. And let Him take you through. His plans for us should not be doubted. He knows where to place us best.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Transformists vs. Conformists

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Rom. 12: 2

There are people of today who always desires to be someone else. They take fashions, trends, and way of living that is so popular. Sense of belongingness is defined by this attitude. They are afraid to be different. They feel a need to be always like some other people around them. These people are who we call CONFORMISTS.

It is transparent in our society that there is a remarkable pressure to conform. It is seen in many of both adults and young ones, though weight of this issue is more inclined to adolescence. This fact is supported by the reality that most of young people today are ruled by their low self-esteem and so they usually look for acceptance that they find in conforming to what the majority is doing. It re-affirms their self-worth. Furthermore, advertising plays significant position in complicating this present social condition.

Now this is the sad fact: conformity has grave dangers.
1. It may lead one to do things he knows is wrong.
2. Conformity the second time around is easier.
3. Conforming to ways of the world separates us from God (Jn. 2:15 – 17)
... Lust of the flesh or immorality
... Lust of the eyes or materialism
... Pride of life or arrogance

Man has all the means to overcome the world though. Instead conform, transform. Bear in mind that God’s endowed power is greater than anything else. The big world is just a small dot compare to God’s immeasurable supremacy. And upon uniting with Christ, one already is an extension of this authority. Direct and not tag along. Be a leader and not a follower. Remember that God makes us, His people, a head and not a tail. Power is with us when God is with us. So take the opportunity to lead. Be a TRANSFORMIST. This is possible through conversion (Ti. 3:5) and the involvement of the renewal of mind (Ro. 12:2). And this should continue through life (2Cor. 4:16).

Think about: Conformists are bound to superficial and shallow change and they are just a cheap imitation letting other people do their thinking of them. Transformists on the other hand, undergo real change and experiences true renewal. And now its up to you. Which would you choose?

Acknowledgment: Sermon by Rev. Eric Atienza, Sept. 20, 2009, Jesus For All Ministries, KKFI Seminar Hall, Manila.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

On Enduring Pain

It seem is a magic that all people of whatever character cannot escape the dilemma of pain, intruding their lives in several ways, surprisingly or slowly, expected or not. There can be a lot of reasons these things happen. But the sad point is, it never is explainable. Maybe, this is God’s own means of making everyone meet in His so-called “equal opportunity.” Well, that’s the only positive way I know I can define pain many suffer.

I remember one time, in my most down, I asked why should I have to pass all things that hurt me much, God gave me back the very opposite of my question: “Why not? Are you not worth of the trust I just gave you?” And so from then, I set it as a guiding rule that God never sends out trials that we cannot bear. We just have to do our best to battle our every problem and God will be the one to continue whatever it is that we cannot do anymore. There are only two things that we need to do always: maximize ourselves, and then surrender it all to God when we can’t endure it any longer. He’ll always be more than happy to catch whoever calls for His name for help. It is His promise anyway that whoever is weary and burdened, just have to come before Him and He’ll give rest.

So what am I to worry about? God knows my limit. And He alone can tell up to where I can make the most of my prowess. And when I’m worn-out, He still will be the one to take turn… Remember footprints in the sand?

Beyond dark clouds are bright sky, right? Happy life!

Think about: Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. (James 1:2-4)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fundamentals of Stage Act

Life is a theater... hanging in backdrop are big masks of opposite emotions. We stage different characters in us. We sometimes are the protagonist, sometimes are the antagonist. How we are viewed anyway, is relative to every different viewer.

We, in our own self, are the best actor of our own tale. We execute our every libretto in just a take and we do it all naturally. We cry and we feel like it. We laugh and the audience in front of us will just be carried away and chuckle with us. We converse and people get persuaded. We fight and we either succeed or get defeated. We worry, we enjoy. We go fast, we pause. We share and we learn. We seek and we find. We play and we grow. We connect and we collapse. We are as if we are designed to be a person our author wants us to be. We take trail our director leads us. And all these are either what we want or what we do not - that sometimes, we tend to take steps and scripts not assigned to us. And in the long run, we'll see ourselves striving to modify the stories of our life... and all we get is discomfiture. Neither we made our stories more interesting nor our performance more promising. We fall short.

At the end of the day, we still can see that there would be no better way to move on stage gracefully than taking instructions from the one who knows the twists and turns that we need to take and know. Upon doing this we will realize, that an acting that never relates to the given story upsets the audience eyes. But a performance that goes along with the dialogue is much more worth viewing. None other can make an actor do his craft interesting but his director - the one that knows what is, nevertheless, a success.

Think about:
Psalm 32:8 - I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.

Psalm 119:105 - Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Here’s a parallel analysis to better understand the art of theatre:

God (Director) – He instructs the actors to take a path of light. He is the one who knows which best way to go. He is certain on the fundamentals of good blocking, suitable utterance and tone modulation, fit wardrobe, appropriate locations and accurate angling. He is the big boss. And His every directive is to be followed… all for single purpose – that is for the actor to do well, to be worth the spotlight, to deserve applause on his bow.

Bible (The Script) – This is the written instruction for whatever the actor is to act, say and feel. The director knows its content in every respect and so the script should be equally obeyed. This is a guiding line that actors need to study well for the betterment of his craft.

Christians (Actors) – They are the stage’s main casts. And their effectiveness as actors depends on how they understand their roles and how they keep the Director’s words and the script’s well-organized lines. For them to remain in the limelight of deserving ovation, they need to take responsibilities:
A.Towards the Director – An attentive ear, a good submission, and readiness of heart to take challenges and so testify how great the director is. An actor should receive every instruction completely having in mind the trust that the director knows all the ins and outs of the stage.
B. Towards the Script – Actor should be reading always, and reviewing, and studying this so as to master every bit of its content. Bear in mind that understanding a role is a result of agreement between the written dialogue and the teaching of the director. And this only happens when the actor has a comprehensive knowledge of the script he is to deliver on stage.

In moving on stage of life, confidence is the best tool to be the most effective. And assurance comes only when we know that we follow all that is written in the Script (Bible) and all that our Director (God) wants us do. With all these done, we’ll be a light shining in a theater that deserves a trophy of eternal life.

Monday, February 8, 2010

WANTED: Pure Heart

In man’s quest to survive his everyday, there are factors that he is becoming heedless about. And the sad thing here is, he will only realize it when the thing is totally gone and cannot be put back ever again. As the saying goes, you will only recognize one’s worth when it is gone. So true!

This is likewise how it is in Christians’ heart.

When we speak of heart, we mean innermost being of a person that dictates how he should react to things around. It is basically the reflection of what is the reality behind the façade. It could be one of the following:

A. Self-centered Heart
a. A heart enthroning one’s self. It is driven by personal priorities and ambitions, outside God’s will and guidance. This is the heart of a natural man. Setting aside Jesus and very self-interested.

B. Divided Heart
a. A heart that considers Jesus, yet still driven by world influences. This takes Jesus as savior but not as Lord. This is a heart of a carnal Christian, who has Jesus in, but just a par of several other priorities.

C.Pure Heart
a. A heart that enthrones Jesus. This acknowledges Jesus as savior and fully submitting to his Lordship. No other priorities but Jesus, so selfless that is. This is a heart that focuses to God in every way it takes.

Ideally, many of us Christians would love to have a pure heart. But living in a world so contaminated by evil desires, and considering man’s frail relationship with God, it seems so unworkable. This is becoming rare and endangered. Many are misled by personal gains and abilities that they just reserve and don’t reflect on God’s interference.

On a contrary, living a pure heart is nevertheless viable. And it is just a matter of single sacrifice: DROP self and ENTHRONE Jesus. Letting him lead the ways of your everyday is already a good surrender and that’s how the purity of a heart is realized.

We don’t need to be relying on ourselves all the time. We don’t need to be driven by self-aspirations. We don’t have to be deceived by the power of the world. Remember that earth fades. But with Jesus as our God and savior, we are assured of eternity. And that’s the promise we must equip ourselves with… forever.

Waste no time. Don’t wait ‘til you are totally hopeless and incapable before you realize that you need guidance from above. Magnificent is our God and He alone is the way, truth and life.

Think again: We don’t need world. The world needs us rather. World is so contaminated with sins. And it needs pure hearts to light every corner of darkness. The world calls for the light of Jesus. And we have the power to bring Him to world in need.

Be a Lotus. In impure water, its beauty shines. So let’s not be swallowed by the world. Let us instead bring the world to light and testify God’s power. Shine… because the world badly needs light. You are wanted. Your pure heart is wanted.

Acknowledgment: Sermon by Ptra. Cecil Mendoza, Aug. 23, 2009, Jesus For All Ministries, KKFI Seminar Hall, Manila.

Friday, January 8, 2010


In my pursuit to deepen my faith and knowledge about God, His existence, His characteristics and His power, I drew myself nearer to HIm so I could see Him clearer… through reading the Bible. Not that I haven’t been reading the bible before, but reading it thoroughly has never been my thing. Let’s just say, I did it like out of requirement as a Christian, and not as a need for me to know the Lord profoundly. And yes, it is just now I am able to see the benefits and results of reading the Good News with real good and clear intentions.

Book of Mark was the first book given to my heart by the Lord to comprehend. I didn’t know the reason why it was the book I should read first, but as I went along, the message was then clear – it is where I could dig out the absolute love of Jesus why he had to suffer the cross of Calvary just to save us. Indeed, the book of Mark is a whole complete story to magnify to us the reality that we are purchased from our transgressions and that we are so blessed to have all the opportunity to gain eternal life because of it.

Moreover, the book also projects several traits that Jesus and other characters showed that we as human should humbly follow. As how the Lord humbled himself down, and so should we.

Faith and the Ever-faithful. The book of Mark accounts several stories of faith of many people. One classic example that blessed me was that of the Syrophoenician woman (Mark 7: 24-30) who by faithfully saying “Yes, Lord!” was sent home by the ever faithful Jesus and was told "For such a reply, you may go; the demon has left your daughter." Many other stories is there written and all boils down to one point – that if we have the faith and trust to the magnificent power of the Lord, He is just more than faithful to get back to us with assurance.

Misjudgments and His Word to Rebut. The book also entails the Pharisees’ tough resistance to Jesus’ beliefs and teachings. Mark 11: 27-33 is the story where Jesus’ authority was questioned. And note that He did not answered it back directly but He just threw a similar puzzling question to the teachers of the law until they themselves realized it. Parallel to this is Mark 7:1-23 when the hypocrites discussed about the tradition of clean and unclean. Jesus tossed them with Words of Wisdom like, “Nothing outside a man can make him 'unclean' by going into him. Rather, it is what comes out of a man that makes him 'unclean.' " This makes it certain that in every confusions that evil tries to instill in our mind, Word of God is always a good battle shield to survive.

His Name and His Power. As we look at the setting of the story in Mark, it was the time where diseases and evil-flee was on. Many suffer unwanted demonic possessions. In all places, where Jesus and the disciples go to teach the gospel, they encounter such. And what’s remarkable is His power and might to command all the evil just by His words and His name. Truly magnificent! The confidence to be always off Satan’s control relies on how we truly believe in Jesus’ name.

The Endurance and Humility and Righteousness. Along Christ’s journey as He let himself be human is the unbelief and ruthless judgment thrown to Him, emotionally and physically. As we all know, He had bore all wicked assumptions, hatred, rejections, and even physical pain of abrasions and blood… in humility… just to live His commitment so as to pay for the sins of the world. He carried on, in all humbleness, to live the righteous way, and suffered death and yet for failures He is not accountable of, because of His great love for us.

So amazing that the Book of Mark recapitulated to me the basic truth – that Jesus is ever powerful and superb and glorious. And yet, humbled Himself down just to teach the people of faith, of truth, of acceptance and of salvation. Hosanna to the highest!

Acknowledgment: JFA Interactive (