Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fundamentals of Stage Act

Life is a theater... hanging in backdrop are big masks of opposite emotions. We stage different characters in us. We sometimes are the protagonist, sometimes are the antagonist. How we are viewed anyway, is relative to every different viewer.

We, in our own self, are the best actor of our own tale. We execute our every libretto in just a take and we do it all naturally. We cry and we feel like it. We laugh and the audience in front of us will just be carried away and chuckle with us. We converse and people get persuaded. We fight and we either succeed or get defeated. We worry, we enjoy. We go fast, we pause. We share and we learn. We seek and we find. We play and we grow. We connect and we collapse. We are as if we are designed to be a person our author wants us to be. We take trail our director leads us. And all these are either what we want or what we do not - that sometimes, we tend to take steps and scripts not assigned to us. And in the long run, we'll see ourselves striving to modify the stories of our life... and all we get is discomfiture. Neither we made our stories more interesting nor our performance more promising. We fall short.

At the end of the day, we still can see that there would be no better way to move on stage gracefully than taking instructions from the one who knows the twists and turns that we need to take and know. Upon doing this we will realize, that an acting that never relates to the given story upsets the audience eyes. But a performance that goes along with the dialogue is much more worth viewing. None other can make an actor do his craft interesting but his director - the one that knows what is, nevertheless, a success.

Think about:
Psalm 32:8 - I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.

Psalm 119:105 - Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Here’s a parallel analysis to better understand the art of theatre:

God (Director) – He instructs the actors to take a path of light. He is the one who knows which best way to go. He is certain on the fundamentals of good blocking, suitable utterance and tone modulation, fit wardrobe, appropriate locations and accurate angling. He is the big boss. And His every directive is to be followed… all for single purpose – that is for the actor to do well, to be worth the spotlight, to deserve applause on his bow.

Bible (The Script) – This is the written instruction for whatever the actor is to act, say and feel. The director knows its content in every respect and so the script should be equally obeyed. This is a guiding line that actors need to study well for the betterment of his craft.

Christians (Actors) – They are the stage’s main casts. And their effectiveness as actors depends on how they understand their roles and how they keep the Director’s words and the script’s well-organized lines. For them to remain in the limelight of deserving ovation, they need to take responsibilities:
A.Towards the Director – An attentive ear, a good submission, and readiness of heart to take challenges and so testify how great the director is. An actor should receive every instruction completely having in mind the trust that the director knows all the ins and outs of the stage.
B. Towards the Script – Actor should be reading always, and reviewing, and studying this so as to master every bit of its content. Bear in mind that understanding a role is a result of agreement between the written dialogue and the teaching of the director. And this only happens when the actor has a comprehensive knowledge of the script he is to deliver on stage.

In moving on stage of life, confidence is the best tool to be the most effective. And assurance comes only when we know that we follow all that is written in the Script (Bible) and all that our Director (God) wants us do. With all these done, we’ll be a light shining in a theater that deserves a trophy of eternal life.

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